Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

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401 posts
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Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

Power Apps Gallery Design Hacks

In this post I’ll go over some handy gallery design hacks you can use when implementing list of data in your canvas apps! We’ll look at both visual and non-visual based tips to improve the overall user experience of galleries in your apps! An… READ MORE [https://lewisdoes.dev/blog/power-apps-gal
cyclone fence in shallow photography
Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

Associate in context flows to an app

In today’s post, I’m going over how you can associate those flows that fall within the context of a Power Apps solution, to those apps! Lets talk licensing… YUP! So, if you purchase and use Power Apps premium licensing, there are a number of… READ MORE [https://lewisdoes.dev/blog/associate-in-co
charts on black wooden table
Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

Usage insights in Managed Environments

In today’s post we’re going back to looking at Managed Environments in Power Platform! I’ll talk about the advantages Managed Environments provide with regards to usage insights and how you can take advantage of the features for usage insights in these environments. Per tenant… READ MORE [https://l
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