Make your Dataverse trigger conditional without trigger conditions

I recently noticed some cool inputs on the Dataverse trigger in Power Automate, ‘when a row is added, modified or deleted’, and so in this post, I’ll show you how to mimic what you can do with trigger conditions using these inputs! Select columns… READ MORE [
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I recently noticed some cool inputs on the Dataverse trigger in Power Automate, ‘when a row is added, modified or deleted’, and so in this post, I’ll show you how to mimic what you can do with trigger conditions using these inputs!

Select columns

The first option we have to work with is select columns. Imagine I am using a trigger of when a row is modified against a table, with the scope set to the whole organisation.

Now I only want my flow to trigger if a specific column has been modified. Here you can see that we’re going to implement something where our flow will only trigger based on a further condition to the triggers purpose.

Using the select columns input we can further make our trigger conditional to only modifications made against certain columns.

In the select columns input, paste in the field you want to use, so that when a record changes with that field being updated, the flow will trigger. Remember to use the internal column name here.

Now you have the scenario where your flow is only triggering when a specific column / field is being updated on records in Dataverse.

This could be a best way of approaching scenarios such as, when a record’s stage is updated. You would use this to only trigger when the stage column is updated, then you would do a filter rows to only get back the records where your stage value is at the stage you need it to be, for example, complete!

Filter rows

I also didn’t realise that we can do an Odata expression to filter rows that our flow will trigger from. I thought this was just something we’d use when using a list rows action or when we’re attempting to retrieve multiple records.

Using the filter rows input, you can effectively only cause your flow to trigger based on the record that had a change or action, having certain values in its fields.

For example, you might only care about changes being made to records in Dataverse that you own. By using filter rows, you could trigger a flow when a record is modified, where the owner is yourself or a specific person.

I hope this post helped, if you have any questions or need more support on this topic, let me know!

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